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Come join us to learn more about our brand new Master of Social Work Program!

Dr. Rose Wong, the Director of our MSW Program will be hosting these virtual chats to discuss all the exciting things coming with our new program, enrolling Fall 2025.


[{"id":"2457797","eventID":"22304","date":"2024-08-06","max":"100","maxGuests":"100","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-05-15 14:45:36","updatedAt":"2024-05-15 14:45:36","times":[{"id":"13941462","dateID":"2457797","start":"5:30pm","end":"6:15pm","max":"500","maxGuests":"0","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-05-15 14:45:37"}]}]

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