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Step into the world of possibilities with our MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Alumni Panel!

Join us for an enlightening session where esteemed graduates share their experiences, insights, and career journeys since completing our program.

Discover how our MA in Counseling has empowered alumni to make a positive impact in diverse fields. Gain valuable advice and explore the array of opportunities awaiting you in the field of counseling. 

[{"id":"2430043","eventID":"22330","date":"2024-05-13","max":"100","maxGuests":"100","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-03-25 19:47:33","updatedAt":"2024-03-25 19:47:33","times":[{"id":"13833544","dateID":"2430043","start":"4:00pm","end":"5:00pm","max":"500","maxGuests":"0","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-03-25 19:47:33"}]}]

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